Date- 3rd July, 2020.
Those roadblocks are going to disappear sooner or later but what you do today is going to stay in the hearts of people who are in need. It is sad that currently not everyone is privileged or developed enough to have the opportunity of working from home during this period of self isolation.
To render such needy, Parikh Charitable Trust every year donates Dal/Rice/Wheat. This activity benefits hundreds of people every year. This activity happens every year at Nadiad, Gujarat (hometown of our founder Shri Chimanlal Tribhovandas Parikh).
This year on 3rd July, we donated Tuvar Dal to all the underprivileged and to the ones in need. The distribution was done one the basis of number of people present in a family.
1 person - 5/000kgm
2 people - 10/000kgm
3 people - 15/000kgm
Our aim has always been to benefit the common man.
This activity was executed by Harishbhai who is working for our trust since a long time.
Let Humanity win time and again.
Activity Performed by- Parikh CTB Team, Nadiad.
Written by- Shivani Singh
