Date: 07/09/2020
To ensure safety of passengers travelling in auto-rickshaws from Covid-19, auto drivers are covering their faces with masks. The least they ask for is the same co-operation and carefulness from their passengers.
We went around and provided masks to auto-drivers around Mumbai, briefed them about the importance of wearing masks and also asked them about their opinions regarding the topic.
Wearing a mask not only ensures your safety but also of people you meet. Like mentioned in the video, while travelling in auto, there is a lot of dust that comes in, and under the current situation, it is best to take the right precautions.
The auto-drivers have faced a steep fall in their income due to less passengers, the least we can do it wear masks when travelling to maintain the sanitation level.
Activity Performed by- Parikh CTB Mumbai Team
Written by- Devvrat Agarwal